
Megan Moffet

Bachelor of Science in Nutrition, Master of Dietetics (Concluding 2023)
Photograph of the clinician for their profile page. Clinician is smiling and dressed professionally. The look warm and welcoming.

Megan Moffet is a Nutritionist with a passion for the intersection between nutritional science and chronic pain. She offers personalized and approachable nutrition support for people living with persistent pain and inflammatory health conditions.

My Background

Megan grew up on a farm in Western Australia, where she developed a love for wholesome living centered around being outdoors, active, and eating real food. Her own experiences and passion for nutrition led her to study Nutrition Science at Curtin University. As her career progressed, she worked with people of all ages and backgrounds, which confirmed her belief in the uniqueness of every individual. Megan joined Painless to be part of a multidisciplinary team that takes a whole-person approach to healthcare and is driven to help people take back control of their wellbeing through nutrition.

My Approach

Megan's approach to nutrition involves taking a whole-person care approach, recognizing the complex puzzle of systems that influence chronic pain. She understands that each person is unique and responds differently to therapies, so she collaborates with her patients to create a sustainable shift in nutrition and lifestyle based on their personal preferences. Megan works closely with the pain care team to provide tailored nutrition interventions that account for individual differences.

My Favourite Therapies

  • Gut health and microbiome support
  • Autoimmune protocols
  • Weight loss programs
  • Anti-inflammatory nutrition
  • Deficiency testing and supplementation
  • Food as medicine
  • Low FODMAP diets

Book with

Megan Moffet


Available in person or via telemedicine, anywhere in Australia.