
Vaginismus is a condition where there is involuntary tightness of the vaginal muscles during attempted intercourse, leading to discomfort or pain.

Vaginismus is a reflexive reaction caused by the involuntary contraction of the pelvic floor muscles surrounding the vagina. It can make sexual intercourse, and even the insertion of a tampon, painful or impossible. The causes of vaginismus can be both physical and psychological, including traumatic events, fear of pain, certain medical conditions, or negative emotional feelings related to intimacy.

It's important to note that women with vaginismus often have a completely normal sexual drive and desire but face a physical barrier to intercourse due to muscle contractions.


The basics

Vaginismus is a reflexive reaction caused by the involuntary contraction of the pelvic floor muscles surrounding the vagina. It can make sexual intercourse, and even the insertion of a tampon, painful or impossible. The causes of vaginismus can be both physical and psychological, including traumatic events, fear of pain, certain medical conditions, or negative emotional feelings related to intimacy.

It's important to note that women with vaginismus often have a completely normal sexual drive and desire but face a physical barrier to intercourse due to muscle contractions.

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The symptoms associated with vaginismus include:

  • Difficulty with vaginal penetration during intercourse
  • Painful intercourse (dyspareunia)
  • Anticipation of pain before sexual intercourse
  • Inability to insert tampons or undergo a gynecological exam
  • Tightness or burning sensation during sexual activity
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Therapies & treatments

Treatment for vaginismus is centered on addressing the involuntary muscle contractions and the underlying cause. Some common interventions include:

Pelvic Physiotherapy

Pelvic physiotherapy stands as a cornerstone in the therapeutic arsenal against vaginismus. Specialised physiotherapists approach the condition with a blend of manual therapies, biofeedback, and customized exercises designed to relax and retrain the pelvic muscles. This gentle re-education process aids in increasing muscle awareness, reducing involuntary contractions, and restoring confidence in intimate situations. With consistent pelvic physiotherapy sessions, many individuals find a pathway to reduced pain, improved function, and a more fulfilling intimate life.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

This psychotherapy can help address any underlying psychological causes, such as fear, anxiety, or trauma. By addressing negative thought patterns and fears, CBT can be effective in treating vaginismus.

Biofeedback Therapy

Biofeedback can help patients understand and visualize the contractions of their pelvic muscles and then learn how to control them.

Desensitization Therapy

This involves understanding and gradually getting used to touch and penetration, starting with self-touch, then progressing to the insertion of a finger, and finally to sexual intercourse.


While there's no drug specifically approved to treat vaginismus, certain medications like muscle relaxants or Botox injections into the vaginal muscles may be prescribed to reduce muscle contractions.

Sexual Counseling or Therapy

Working with a therapist specializing in sexual health can help address any underlying fears, anxieties, or misconceptions about sex.

Understanding and open communication with one's partner can be beneficial. It's essential to see a healthcare provider if you suspect you might have vaginismus, to get a proper diagnosis and begin appropriate treatments.

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