Trigeminal Neuralgia

Trigeminal neuralgia is a chronic pain condition that affects the trigeminal nerve, which carries sensation from the face to the brain, causing severe facial pain.

Trigeminal neuralgia doesn't just affect your nerves—it touches every part of your life, every part of you. It's a persistent companion, often an unwelcome one, and we understand how it can make you feel alone and misunderstood. But we want you to know you're not alone.

Our team is made up of highly skilled professionals who are not only experts in the field of nerve pain, but also compassionate listeners who truly care about your well-being. Our goal is to help you manage your pain, regain your strength, and rediscover the joys of living that neuralgia may have overshadowed.


The basics

Trigeminal Neuralgia, also called tic douloureux, is a chronic pain disorder affecting the trigeminal nerve that controls sensations in the face. It causes sudden, intense electric shock-like pain triggered by simple actions like speaking, chewing, or light touch. This pain lasts for seconds to minutes, with periods of remission and recurrence. Trigeminal Neuralgia can impact daily activities like eating and talking. Treatments include medications, such as anticonvulsants and muscle relaxants, and surgeries like microvascular decompression and gamma knife radiosurgery. A multidisciplinary approach involving pain specialists, neurologists, and psychologists can help manage symptoms and improve overall well-being.

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Trigeminal Neuralgia presents as sudden, severe, and stabbing pain in the face, typically on one side. The pain is often triggered by mild stimuli, such as touching the face or chewing, and can last from a few seconds to several minutes. The pain can occur in any of the three branches of the trigeminal nerve, which control sensation in different areas of the face. Other symptoms associated with Trigeminal Neuralgia include:

  • Constant aching or burning sensation in the affected area
  • Sensitivity to touch or temperature changes
  • Muscle spasms in the face
  • Twitching or involuntary movements of the facial muscles
  • Difficulty speaking or eating due to pain
  • Depression or anxiety associated with chronic pain.
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Therapies & treatments

Orofacial Therapy

Orofacial Therapy provides specialized interventions for individuals with facial pain conditions, such as Trigeminal Neuralgia.


Medications are often the first line of treatment for trigeminal neuralgia. Finding the right medication, or combination of medications, may take a little experimentation, and is best done with the guidance of Pain Specialist. Medication examples include:

Anticonvulsant Medications

Anticonvulsants, such as gabapentin and pregabalin, are used to treat nerve pain. They work by reducing abnormal electrical activity in the brain and spinal cord that can contribute to pain.

Antidepressants Medications

Antidepressants, such as tricyclic antidepressants and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), are also used to treat chronic pain. They work by altering the levels of certain chemicals in the brain that affect pain perception.

Muscle Relaxant Medications

Muscle relaxant medications help to relieve spasms in the muscles of the head, jaw and neck to relieve tension-related pain caused by Trigeminal Neuralgia.

Nerve Blocks Procedures

Nerve blocks involve injecting a numbing medication directly into the affected nerve to provide short-to-medium term pain relief.

Pulsed Radiofrequency

Pulsed radiofrequency is a minimally invasive procedure that uses electrical stimulation to interrupt pain signals along the trigeminal nerve, providing pain relief.

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Self-care strategies

Heat Therapy

Applying heat to the affected area can help to reduce pain and muscle tension. A warm compress or a heating pad can be used.

Cold Therapy

Cold therapy can help to reduce inflammation and pain. A cold compress or ice pack can be applied to the affected area for 10-20 minutes at a time.

Stress Management

Stress can trigger or exacerbate trigeminal neuralgia symptoms. Practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, and yoga can help to manage stress levels.

Sleep Hygiene

Getting sufficient sleep is crucial for managing pain and overall health. Establishing a regular sleep routine, avoiding caffeine and electronics before bedtime, and creating a comfortable sleep environment can all help promote restful sleep.


Engaging in regular physical activity, such as walking, swimming, or cycling, can help to reduce pain, improve flexibility, and increase strength. Even small amounts of movement can make a difference in managing pain symptoms.


Poor posture can contribute to tension and pain in the neck and head. Maintaining good posture throughout the day can help to reduce pain and tension.


Massaging the neck, shoulders, and scalp can help to reduce muscle tension and alleviate pain. A professional massage or self-massage can be effective.

Dietary Changes

Making changes to your diet can help to manage pain associated with trigeminal neuralgia. Eating a healthy, balanced diet that is low in sugar and processed foods and high in fruits, vegetables, and lean protein can help to reduce inflammation and promote overall health.

Relaxation Techniques

Engaging in activities that bring joy and relaxation, such as spending time with loved ones, practicing hobbies, and getting regular massages, can help to reduce stress and improve mood.

Support System

Building a support network of family, friends, and healthcare professionals can help to provide emotional support and practical assistance in managing pain. Joining support groups and seeking out mental health professionals can also be helpful in managing pain-related stress and improving overall quality of life.

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Trigeminal Neuralgia

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