
Advice for overcoming setbacks and caring for your body along the way.

Remember to apply the pacing principles to every aspect of your daily life, including work tasks, leisure activities, household chores, playing with your kids, social outings, studying, learning, and physical movement. By doing so, you'll gradually build up your tolerance for activities, increase your daily productivity and enjoyment, and reduce your pain levels.

Keep in mind that setbacks are a normal part of the journey. When reintroducing activity into your life, it's typical to experience a temporary increase in pain. This occurs because your brain has previously linked these activities to pain, and you must slowly retrain your brain to break this association. Pain flares happen because the brain believes the activity is unsafe, not because it's causing tissue damage. Our goal is to retrain your brain's pain interpreting process and break the subconscious association between pain and activity.

If you experience a pain flare, it's important to use proper self-care while you recover. Pacing requires subtlety and gently pushing your limits, but also allowing yourself adequate recovery time. Remember that pacing is an ongoing process designed to reprogram your brain, not an overnight quick fix. Be patient and enjoy your successes along the way. With consistent application of pacing principles, you can take control of your chronic pain and improve your overall well-being.