Bioplastic Pain

Bioplastic pain is a complex, persistent form of pain - but it can be reversed.

Bioplasticity means 'changeable biology'. It is the ability of every system in the body to change and adapt based on life experiences and environment. Bioplastic pain is a type of chronic pain that arises from overprotective bioplasticity, where the body's systems become hypervigilant and reactive to perceived threats, producing and elevating pain even after the trigger is removed.

Diagnostic Criteria

  • The pain is persistent, lasting more than three months.
  • The pain is disproportionate to, or independent of, tissue damage.
  • The pain is accompanied by a complex symptom profile.
  • The affected person has experienced a significant threat or stressor.

Resolving Bioplastic Pain

Just as your bioplastic systems can undergo maladaptive, health-damaging changes, they can also undergo adaptive, health-recovering changes. Calming the hypervigilance and reactivity, adaptive bioplasticity returns your systems to a state of homeostasis (balance). It is the pathway to reversing the overprotectiveness of your body systems and, in doing so, reversing your pain. Engaging your body's adaptive bioplasticity requires a more comprehensive and personalized approach than standard medical care.

"Understanding the biology of pain can help validate our pain and our experience, assuage our fears, let us know we're not alone, and give us hope that things can change. It can help us understand that a life can be lived now, that we don't have to wait anymore. And it can guide how we get back to living. Bioplasticity is pretty freakin' cool. Humans are pretty freakin' fascinating, adaptable, strong, and resilient beings. It's pretty freeing to be empowered with knowledge, skills, and support. To have some control and a greater understanding, to be believed and understood. To know there is a way forward."-- Jo Belton

Adaptive Bioplasticity

At Painless, our passion and expertise is helping people resolve both their neuropathic and bioplastic pain. We integrate tailored medical treatment, multidisciplinary care, and active self-management strategies to provide you with a complete recovery plan.

When it comes to bioplastic pain, the aim is to foster adaptive (health-creating) rather than maladaptive (health-damaging) bioplasticity. Adaptive bioplastic goals include:

  • Rewire the brain's pain pathways.
  • Calm the body's innate 'stress response'.
  • Downregulate inflammatory processes.
  • Support a balanced immune system.
  • Regain physical strength and function.
  • Optimize hormonal balance.
  • Support the gut-brain axis.